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RepostExchange Help Center
Updated help section for RepostExchange website (as of July 2024)
Is RepostExchange Safe To Use?
Will RepostExchange perform any actions automatically or without my permission?
What does RepostExchange do about accounts with fake followers?
How do I set my genres?
How do I cancel or downgrade my account?
How can I delete my account?
What are RepostExchange Legal Terms and Policies?
What is a Repost Campaign?
How do Search / Filters / Tags work?
How do I create a Repost Campaign?
What are Custom Campaign Rules?
How do I boost a Repost Campaign?
What are Featured Campaigns?
What is the Campaign Accelerator?
How do I pause / edit my campaign?
How do I get the best out of my campaigns?
Why did my campaign finish so quickly?
My campaign is moving slowly/not at all - why is this and what can be done about it?
What is ‘Reach’?
What are ratings about?
How do I get in the Re-Ex Charts?